Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Landon Collis' Work On Mrs. Blandings Blog!

Hello All,
A recent home that I shot for KCHD is featured on the current blog for Mrs. Blandings! What a thrill to have some of my work featured, along with the wonderful story of the homeowner, who I totally adore! It is such a small world here in Kansas City and as I grow a bit older, it sure is nice to be appreciated and feel the love of the community here......Ahhhh, group hug! Here is the link to the blog: . Enjoy my friends. Until next time!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Landon's work featured in the new issue of Home In The Northland!

I have some new and exciting work in the latest issue of Home In The Northland which hit the racks at the beginning of the month. The online issue is currently up as well so check it out! The cover story, feature home, feature fashion, and food shots are all mine. It was a lot of work but it looks great and I am very proud of the images featured! Here is the link:
Until next time...

Monday, June 8, 2009 is up an running!

The new website is up and running now! It looks amazing and the advice given for the project from all has been stellar. It has really opened my eyes to the fact that the images stand on their own without a lot of fluff. It is clean, simple and beautiful! I will still tweak it frequently as new projects go up and I implement some additional features but for the time being it is up and looks great!
Visit me at:
Until next time...

Flair Fashion Show in Parkville, MO.

On May 29th, I had the opportunity to help out a good friend, David Moody, at the Flair Fashion Show in Parkville, MO. While David concentrated on the fashion show itself, I stayed behind the scenes and photographed the models as they got into each ensemble. The show was presented by Watercolors High Fashion and features an array of stunning pieces that made for some great portraits. I was appreciative of the opportunity and had a great deal of hectic fun while at the event. I have included a few of the shots for all to see. Until next time...

Monday, June 1, 2009 is getting a facelift!

Hello All,
I have been hard at work updating and getting ready for a new web site design. I have many new assignments that will be up and have a cleaner, crisper, look for the redesign. I am excited for all to see when done. For now you can check out the new portfolios before they go live at:
We are still working out a few kinks and getting a splash page finished up, but this is the bulk of the future site! Let me know what you think! Until next time...