Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Updated website finally! Lots of new happenings!

Hi All,
WOW, what a long time in between posts! A lot has been going on and I am finally feeling like I can catch my breath and get back in the swing of things. I have finally updated my site with some new projects that have recently published. Also there are a few updates to my Personal and Environmental books as well. I have recently started working with Hallmark and have been enjoying my new role with them. It is a great company and they have been nothing but kind and generous to me. I have many new freelance projects coming up at the end of the month and my schedule is booking up quickly with the new ventures. I always welcome a challenge and am looking forward to all of the new happenings and events. My work is just getting better and better and many are really noticing the efforts I make when working on a project. I am very proud of what I have done thus far and expect that many things are only going to get better! Thanks for all of the support and help along the way...Until next time!