Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Louisville, KY. - An awesome Fall road trip!

Hopefully this pre Halloween message finds everyone in Spooktacular moods! I just got back from some shooting in Louisville, KY. and thought I would post a few images from my visit! Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

More Power!

I wanted to show off a newer image I completed. It is a pretty intensive Photoshop and light After Effects piece that I did. I am really happy with the way it turned out and wanted to show it off!

Monday, August 3, 2015

Wow...It's been a bit!

Alright, alright, alright, I'm back after a LONG hiatus! In my absence I have been very, very busy, taking a job at Hallmark Cards as a stylist for still and motion work. In July, my tour of duty came to an end and I am back at it, looking for my next creative opportunity! In the meantime, I have been doing some traveling, creating some new music, and building my creative collections of trinkets and treasures as I explore this great land. As we speak I have continued on my road trip journey of "America's Highway" Route 66! For this first post back I am showing off three of the very cool "giants" I have found so far! It is my goal to post faithfully and religiously, showcasing my collections of Photography, Art, Vintage and Boutique Music Gear, Treasures and Trinkets, and Music that I feel everyone should be familiar with. Who knows, maybe I can inspire the next person in line, just the way I was inspired by those before me!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Landon Collis Photography featured on blog!

Hi All,
Landon Collis is being featured on the wildly popular blog for Interior Design called Desire To Inspire! I am so excited to see the work featured and to even have a little write up about what one sees when looking at my work. It is amazing. I just had to share with everyone! Follow the link below to check it out! Until next time friends!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Finally a little bit of a breather!

Hi All,
Sorry for such a delay in my posting but I have been busy! I have been working with Hallmark on some new projects, have had several magazine shoots (Check out the upcoming and latest work in the new issues of Kansas City SPACES, KCHD, Home In The Northland, and KC Studio), and have been working with Design Ranch for a new client of theirs! WOW, pretty good stuff. I hope everyone is doing great and I am trying for a post a day here! Let's see if I can do it. All the best.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Updated website finally! Lots of new happenings!

Hi All,
WOW, what a long time in between posts! A lot has been going on and I am finally feeling like I can catch my breath and get back in the swing of things. I have finally updated my site with some new projects that have recently published. Also there are a few updates to my Personal and Environmental books as well. I have recently started working with Hallmark and have been enjoying my new role with them. It is a great company and they have been nothing but kind and generous to me. I have many new freelance projects coming up at the end of the month and my schedule is booking up quickly with the new ventures. I always welcome a challenge and am looking forward to all of the new happenings and events. My work is just getting better and better and many are really noticing the efforts I make when working on a project. I am very proud of what I have done thus far and expect that many things are only going to get better! Thanks for all of the support and help along the way...Until next time!