Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Website Updates!

Hi Everyone!
I have updated several new things on my site! There are several new projects up including new interiors, food, and environmental shots! I will be working on a new bio shortly as well and have many more projects to upload as they get published! Attached is one of the new interior shots on the site. It is a wonderful dining room space designed by John Rufenacht for the 2009 Kansas City Symphony Showhouse. It is a nice, warm, cozy space and as always very well done by Mr. Rufenacht! Until next time...

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

New Website Images!

Hi All,
I am posting new images on my website through out the week. Be sure to take a look at the new stuff as it is updated. I have some pretty amazing new stuff going up! Until next !

Friday, July 17, 2009

Two More Schoolhouse Images From Perry, KS.!

Hi All,
Here are two more pics from the Schoolhouse in Perry, KS. I hope you enjoy them! Until next time...

Prints Of Personal Work Available!

Hi All,
Just a quick heads up that prints and custom framed pieces of my work are available to clients and individuals. Many have been asking about prints and framed pieces, so I wanted to let everyone know. I have recently done several pieces for homes in the Kansas City area and welcome any inquiries into a custom piece. Anyone can feel free to e-mail me at for pricing and additional information. Some exclusions do apply if they were commissioned pieces but most are available to the public! Many images will be updated on my site,, in the coming days to reflect my most recent works! Thanks again for the support and interest in my work. Until next time...

Perry Kansas Image...Love This Interior Shot.

The image attached to this post is one from Perry Kansas in which we visited an old schoolhouse now used for a local community center for the town of Perry. It was a great piece of Kansas history that had been partially restored from donations. They are still waiting to finish up the entry by the end of fall, so I decided to capture an image of the entry in all of its original glory before it disappeared. This image also captures what it means to be a photographer in the Midwest. The honest, somber feel of the woods and the isolated broken down piano taking center stage once again as it used to when classes were in session. You will not find a better feeling than capturing the heritage that I hold dear and the feeling that somehow in this digital age, which I am a victim of as well, we are losing site of the simple things in life. This image is one of those simple things...easily understood and humble. I will now get off my soapbox...

Abilene Kansas Image.....Kind Of A Creepy One!

Hi All,
As promised I am adjusting more images of the Kansas trip as time allows. Below is an old abandoned hotel shot done in the dark in downtown Abilene, KS. I used several strobe flash pops to expose the exterior during the 30 second exposure. It really has a beautiful sky hue and the tones throughout the brick are simply wonderful. However, the hotel itself was rather menacing and creepy, reminding me of an Alfred Hitchcock themed location. To see it at night made it all the more scary, yet in the day it blended into the downtown scenery and was indistinguishable. I really like this image and think it reflects the Landon Collis Photography style and the presence my images command with their audience. Until next time my friends...

Monday, July 13, 2009

Two New Kansas Pics!

Hi All!
These will soon be transported to my web site but I wanted to post them on here first! These are two images from an abandoned building in Abilene Kansas. I am working on a new portfolio of environmental exterior shots, so these are a good example of what my new works are looking like. I am very excited to get to processing the rest tomorrow, but for now here are the first two! Until next time...

Rural Kansas Trip!

Hi All,
After a busy few weeks, my good friend Dan and I headed out on a two day trip into rural Kansas for a photography expedition. No GPS, just an outdated map and a small town in mind where folks are kind, hours pass at a slower rate, and nature begins to reclaim what was once her own. I will say that it was a hot one in Kansas this past weekend but we persevered and captured some beautiful environmental images with Landon focusing on the structures and Dan on the local townspeople. We explored many a small town and devoured several hundred miles of back road on the trip, making for a great time. I will be posting some of my images as I get them done and processed. All of these images, combined with some others from additional trips, are hopefully going to be working their way into a gallery exhibit in downtown KC come fall! We will keep our fingers crossed for that! Until next time friends...

Des Moines Trip!

Hi All,
As we talked before I visited the lovely city of Des Moines and had a blast. There are many great things to do in Des Moines but my favorite, besides the visit to Meredith, was searching out road food! We found a great spot if anyone is ever in Des Moines, titled Mr. Bibbs. Mr. Bibbs hand dips their own onion rings, tenderizes and breads their pork tenderloins, and on top of that makes their own Italian sausage! It was the best meal I had there, hands down. I loved every bite of the Italian sausage grinder and every flaky piece of onion ring that touched my grease soaked lips! It was an out of body experience! I did a bit of shooting while in Des Moines and am posting one of the final images to this blog. It is a strange one as it does not say Des Moines really, but rather a strange and unusual object I found while exploring the rooftop of a downtown building. I thought it one of the most interesting pieces I have done lately and just loved the light that wrapped around the object. So without further delay.....Here it is! Until next time...

Monday, July 6, 2009

A Busy Few Weeks!

Well I hope everyone had a safe and pleasant 4th of July weekend! I myself just finished up a couple of large projects for Nell Hill's and for the next Home In The Northland publication. I also visited Des Moines and Meredith Publications where I had the honor of showing my portfolios and meeting some of the nicest folks on the planet. I was honored to spend the day there, visit the Photo Studios, and meet many Art Directors. It was a great experience and one I will not soon forget. Now that I have had a chance to breathe a bit, I wanted to get an entry or two in and reconnect with everyone. Work is coming right along and I am always looking for new and interesting projects. In my spare time I have been working on some personal projects from my travels and am hoping to show my works in the fall at a local gallery. I will be posting new pieces as I get them adjusted out for all to see! I better sign off and get some e-mails returned.....Until next time!