Monday, July 13, 2009

Des Moines Trip!

Hi All,
As we talked before I visited the lovely city of Des Moines and had a blast. There are many great things to do in Des Moines but my favorite, besides the visit to Meredith, was searching out road food! We found a great spot if anyone is ever in Des Moines, titled Mr. Bibbs. Mr. Bibbs hand dips their own onion rings, tenderizes and breads their pork tenderloins, and on top of that makes their own Italian sausage! It was the best meal I had there, hands down. I loved every bite of the Italian sausage grinder and every flaky piece of onion ring that touched my grease soaked lips! It was an out of body experience! I did a bit of shooting while in Des Moines and am posting one of the final images to this blog. It is a strange one as it does not say Des Moines really, but rather a strange and unusual object I found while exploring the rooftop of a downtown building. I thought it one of the most interesting pieces I have done lately and just loved the light that wrapped around the object. So without further delay.....Here it is! Until next time...

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