Friday, July 17, 2009

Perry Kansas Image...Love This Interior Shot.

The image attached to this post is one from Perry Kansas in which we visited an old schoolhouse now used for a local community center for the town of Perry. It was a great piece of Kansas history that had been partially restored from donations. They are still waiting to finish up the entry by the end of fall, so I decided to capture an image of the entry in all of its original glory before it disappeared. This image also captures what it means to be a photographer in the Midwest. The honest, somber feel of the woods and the isolated broken down piano taking center stage once again as it used to when classes were in session. You will not find a better feeling than capturing the heritage that I hold dear and the feeling that somehow in this digital age, which I am a victim of as well, we are losing site of the simple things in life. This image is one of those simple things...easily understood and humble. I will now get off my soapbox...

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