Monday, July 13, 2009

Rural Kansas Trip!

Hi All,
After a busy few weeks, my good friend Dan and I headed out on a two day trip into rural Kansas for a photography expedition. No GPS, just an outdated map and a small town in mind where folks are kind, hours pass at a slower rate, and nature begins to reclaim what was once her own. I will say that it was a hot one in Kansas this past weekend but we persevered and captured some beautiful environmental images with Landon focusing on the structures and Dan on the local townspeople. We explored many a small town and devoured several hundred miles of back road on the trip, making for a great time. I will be posting some of my images as I get them done and processed. All of these images, combined with some others from additional trips, are hopefully going to be working their way into a gallery exhibit in downtown KC come fall! We will keep our fingers crossed for that! Until next time friends...

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